Project overview

Each and every part of Lesy is carefully handcrafted to provide a better experience to both developers and users. Yet, there is always a scope to improve the code base for the modern future.

Few things are considered as rules while developing,

  • Simpler - Dont complicate unneccesarily
  • Maintainable - Stick with standard
  • Decoupled - Do only one thing perfectly
  • Extensible - Allow awesome minds to plug things

Project structure

First lets see how the code is organised.

├── benchmark/
├── docs/
└── packages/
    ├── cli/
    ├── compiler/ # includes ts node if it is typescript project
    ├── core/ # handles user input and output
    ├── testbed/
    ├── types/
    ├── helpers/
    │   └── validator/
    ├── misc/
    │   ├── pilot-ui/
    │   ├── artist-ui/
    │   └── test-utils/
    └── plugins/
        ├── lesy-plugin-config/
        ├── lesy-plugin-demo/
        ├── lesy-plugin-generator/
        ├── lesy-plugin-help/
        ├── lesy-plugin-artist/
        ├── lesy-plugin-pilot/
        ├── lesy-plugin-prompt/
        ├── lesy-plugin-sidekick/
        ├── lesy-plugin-store/
        └── lesy-plugin-validator/

There were around 21 packages in the lesy framework. But what really matters is core and compiler, others are supporting features.

Below content is being updated with more examples and illustration.


As the name says, it is the heart of the project. Main responsibility of the core is take user commands, convert them to objects and run them. Nothing more. It is slim, and can live without other things in the project.

Core components include,

Command Contoller

Takes commands, process and strore them in a nice format

Middleware Controller

Takes middlewares, stores in an array and execute when requested

Feature Controller

Takes features, stores and run when called


Load files and delegate to above controllers


Wrap useful third party modules for commands to use


Orchestrate all the above components and run commands and middlewares


Compiler takes care of fewer tasks:

  • If it is typescript project, loads ts-node to run ts files
  • If src file is provided, loads all files provided and pass to core
  • Runs code module and pass args provided in parse
  • Loads default plugins
  • Sets default config
  • If global workspace value is set, it just returns core promise.


Plugins directory consist of all lesy plugins


It consist of two packages, Pilot UI and test utils. Both packages are internally used and not published to npm.

  • Pilot UI is build with Angular and manages complete user interface logic. It is compiled and build by pilot plugin. Then the dist directory is served.

  • Test utils used inside few of the packages. It contains few helper methods.


Used for integration test. Basically Testbed will run lesy with user provided data and collect all console output and returns.


Contains all the type definition files of the core package.


This package contains few lesy libraries and templates to scaffold new project based on the answers provided by users while initialising.

Unlike other packages, lesy CLI is not part of @lesy organisation in the npm. This is because, if it is under @lesy scope, then user have to do npx @lesy/cli new my-cli. To improve the user and developer experience, CLI package has been moved out of lesy org.


This package is used to validate a object against a rules defined in another object. It works independently and not coupled with lesy in any way.

This library accepts custom rules.

Compile and Build

Lesy is build with node and typescript. And this project is maintained as a monorepo. Based on the need, either ncc or tsc compiler is used. ncc is mainly used to compress the file and reduce the size.

lerna is used to handle bootstraping and executing build script in all projects.


lerna is handle quite a few things here,

  • Versioning based on conventional commits
  • Release all packages to npm
  • Create tag and push to github
  • Create release notes in github
  • Update CHANGELOG file
  • Update the new version in all package.json files


Documentation is made using gatsby. All the markdown is build and published to gh-pages by the github actions.

Pilot UI

Pilot UI is a angular project. Basically Pilot command in lesy will exposes necessary data though web sockets and Pilot UI receives and display.

When running command from UI, it send run signal and Pilot cmd runs the command and sends the ouput.


benny is used for benchmarking. commander, gluegun, and yargs are used for comparition. The output JSON is used in the Performance page to represent as bar chart.